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Volume 53 - Mariana, Fleur & Peyote

Volume 53.

In this newest edition of liveFast Mag, we bring you four new creatives with their own unique vision of a day at home.

Mariana Nunes heads out to Palm Springs with Jessee for an extended weekend adventure. This is part of their time in the desert, enjoying the heat that the desert tried to match Mariana from sunrise to a night swim.

Then we head over the pond into a flat in London, introducing the lovely Fleur Chenneour and the return of Harriet Beth. This duo brought the London vibes that are immaculate.

And a very special addition, we dive into the mind of Australian fashion photographer Peter Coulson's version of a cozy day at home, with one of his all-time favorite muses, Peyote Jaye.  
This duo is stellar at bringing visions to life. 

Peter inadvertently has had a huge impact on this magazine long before its conception. Look forward to sharing his his work with you. 

Enjoy this latest installment of liveFast Mag.

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